Ebook Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap...And Others Don't
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Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap...And Others Don't

Ebook Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap...And Others Don't
Wenn Sie immer noch das richtige Buch zu finden, nach hinten zurück zu überprüfen, haben wir eine große Publikation als in Aussicht gestellt. Good To Great: Why Some Companies Make The Leap...And Others Don't als einer der genannten Bücher in dieser Zuschreibung können Sie sich jetzt freuen. Es geht nicht nur um den Titel, die sehr faszinierend und bringt Menschen voran zu lesen. Und warum wir dieses Buch Ihnen anbieten, ist, dass es Ihr Kumpel entlang Ihrer Freizeit sein.
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Five years ago, Jim Collins asked the question, "Can a good company become a great company and if so, how?" In Good to Great Collins, the author of Built to Last, concludes that it is possible, but finds there are no silver bullets. Collins and his team of researchers began their quest by sorting through a list of 1,435 companies, looking for those that made substantial improvements in their performance over time. They finally settled on 11--including Fannie Mae, Gillette, Walgreens, and Wells Fargo--and discovered common traits that challenged many of the conventional notions of corporate success. Making the transition from good to great doesn't require a high-profile CEO, the latest technology, innovative change management, or even a fine-tuned business strategy. At the heart of those rare and truly great companies was a corporate culture that rigorously found and promoted disciplined people to think and act in a disciplined manner. Peppered with dozens of stories and examples from the great and not so great, the book offers a well-reasoned road map to excellence that any organization would do well to consider. Like Built to Last, Good to Great is one of those books that managers and CEOs will be reading and rereading for years to come. --Harry C. Edwards
One of the top ten business books of 2001 (Business Week)
Alle Produktbeschreibungen
Gebundene Ausgabe: 320 Seiten
Verlag: HarperBusiness; Auflage: 01 (16. Oktober 2001)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 9780066620992
ISBN-13: 978-0066620992
ASIN: 0066620996
Größe und/oder Gewicht:
15,6 x 2,7 x 23,5 cm
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
3.9 von 5 Sternen
36 Kundenrezensionen
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
Nr. 20.271 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)
I bought this book because it was recommended to me by colleagues and mentioned by the CEO of the company I work for. It's not completely uninteresting but it really didn't appeal to me. Some thoughts are interesting, such as the idea that having very good employees is more critical than having a very good strategy but a lot of the thing presented as key findings sound like plain common sense ("hire the right people").There are a few interesting anecdotes about mid-20th century corporate America but they could be told in a much better way.The writing style is very boring. The same things are repeated 3, 4 times in the same chapter for no apparent reason.Admittedly this is the first business book I read so it might have more to do with the genre than with this specific title, but for someone with a science background, the author's claims of the conclusions being "empirical" and based on data is laughable.Now I know the book was written before the subprime crisis, but still praising Fannie Mae, a company that owes much of its success to intervention of the American government, comes off as clueless. The book says successful companies are "best in the world" at their core business. What is really meant is "best in the USA". Saying that Wells Fargo, or any American bank really, is the "best in the world" at anything sounds like a joke. American banks were awful back in then and are still awful today compared to foreign competitors (remember, this is a country where people write checks on paper and send them through the mail).Unless you have to read this book for a course or something, I'd recommend to skip it.
Alles, was man in dem Buch liest, ist eigentlich Hausverstand. Hier wird nichts dargeboten, von dem ein vernünftiger Mensch nicht ohnehin sagen würde: Ja, so machen wir es. Doch mit allen möglichen Managementströmungen, windigen Geschäftsgebaren, Strategischen "Moves", ausgefuchsten Marketingstrategien und wilden Akqusitionen sieht man häufig nicht mehr ganz klar.Das Gute ist, Collins hat das Ganze akribisch untersucht und festgestellt: Am besten fährt man doch so, wie man es sich als normaler Mensch auch denken würde:* Zuerst ans Unternehmen statt an sich selbst als CEO denken* Sich selbst als CEO nicht zu wichtig nehmen* Klares Commitment auf die Unternehmensziele* Primär auf eine gute Besetzung achten* Sich nichts schön reden* Den Glauben nicht verlieren* Sich auf das konzentrieren, worin man wirklich gut ist* Diszipliniert sein* Technologien nicht zum Selbstzweck einsetzen
obwohl über 15 Jahre alt, ein äußerst spannendes und durchaus aktuelles BuchCollins veranschaulicht in dem Buch das Ergebnis seiner jahrelangen intensiven Studie was genau die besten Firmenlenker ausmacht - und die Ergebnisse sind spannend und mitunter auch sehr überraschendkurzweilig geschrieben, da alles ausschließlich auf realen Firmen basiertuneingeschränkt empfehlenswert für alle die sich mit dem Thema Leadership und Management mal von einer anderen (praxisnahen) Seite annähern möchtenund genauso empfehlenswert für alle, die sich mit Value Investing beschäftigen
nach allen Managementbüchern die ich über die Jahre gelesen habe immer noch das beste Buch für junge und erfahrene Manager in allen Managementebenen.
I had to return this item, since it is not the book, but just a summary, which is not clearly written in the description.The frontpage style being very similar to the book, together with its too high price, could possibly mislead customers.
The last 2 chapters,I found it so boring. The main point of level 5 core leadership do make sense and I learned something from the book.
I haven't finished the book yet, but I am impressed what this group of researchers have found out - yes it is not just one author! The criteria are well chosen and the examples are interesting.
Great book, the content is based strictly on carefully researched data, but not only numbers! Jim Collins and his team did an extraordinary job. This book is a "Must-to-read" for people who want to have an aspect view in this topic.
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